Monday, November 27, 2006

MAAT Tarot card of the Week- First quarter moon in Pisces 9 of Swords

MAAT Tarot card of the Week
9 of Swords
Planetary ruler Jupiter
Full Moon Gemini cycle (November 22-December 20) major card-Strength

First Quarter Moon in Pisces-Prophetic dreams, spirit contact and things that go bump in the night.

Now is the time when the creative power of the waxing moon is visiting the realms the deepest subconscious. The dark month before the winter solstice is the month when we tap into the collective subconscious. Our days are filled with memories of holidays gone by...cultural traditions as well as old family traditions and the memories of loved ones who have passed away fill our minds. We prepare gatherings to celebrate life and the power and mercy of the mysteries of the universe. The power of the sun continues to wane until the winter solstice all the while the moon's light remains the same and as the nights grow longer sleeping and dreaming become paramount. Become aware of your dreams if you keep a dream diary this will help you to record your dreams. Take note of long lost relations that pop into your head as well as your dreams as you prepare for the celebrations ahead. Listen for the wisdom of familiar voices as you continue the traditions they began... they are all gathered around you... the ones you know who have passed and the ones who you will know who are coming into being ...embrace the mystery.

Traditional tarot meaning nightmares, loss of sleep from stress

In a Reading: this card represents a significant dream, spiritual encounter or a dream that changes your view of reality. When seeking information about timing this card would represent the eternal, time overlapping into the timeless spiritual realm leaving an accessible doorway.

For a deeper understanding of Pisces Moon check out the other pisces moon phases,

The 4 of Wands (new moon) This new moon is the best time for planning and planting the seeds for the summer's garden. It is still winter yet our imaginations have merged with summer. The energy of the waxing moon is perfect for germinating seeds.

The 10 of cups(last quarter moon) This card represents a couples ability to weather any emotion. It represents dreams coming true and sunshine through the rain.

The Princess of Coins(full moon) This card represents the peri-menopausal woman her body is going through changes yet she still feels young. She is the woman at the cross-roads.

Temperance (Full Moon Cycle August 23-September 22)
The point where the summer is coming to a close and the
harvest has begun. She tells the story of the Legend of Ra and Isis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a wonderful article!